Total fee per seat is 30,000

Registration fee to block seat is 5000

Remaining 25,000 to be paid during the class

You may transfer online and send screenshot to +919995033640 through WhatsApp

GPay, PhonePe, Paytm

You may also scan QR to make payment

If UPI doesn’t work then please choose bank transfer
Please WhatsApp +919995033640 for the bank account number

Seat is confirmed only after payment of registration fee. After payment confirmation you will be added to a WhatsApp group. Further details will be posted in the WhatsApp group.

Seat will be allocated on first come basis only. Please ensure seat availability before you transfer. To know the seat availability please send a WhatsApp msg to +919995033640.

Registration fee is non refundable under any circumstances and is for a specific batch only. It cannot be used for attending another batch. The participants should block their dates and make sure to maintain good health (self & children). The participant must inform at least two weeks prior to start date in case of any inconvenience. No changes will be accepted after that.

Accommodation has to be booked by the participants separately. It is not included along with the workshop. A few recommendations are provided.

Participants are provided complimentary lunch, coffee and snacks on all days. Vegetarians may inform in advance.